Package 'depcache'

Title: Cache R Expressions, Taking Their Dependencies into Account
Description: Hash an expression with its dependencies and store its value, reloading it from a file as long as both the expression and its dependencies stay the same.
Authors: Ivan Krylov [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ivan Krylov <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.2
Built: 2025-03-03 03:17:08 UTC

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Cache R Expressions, Taking Their Dependencies into Account


Hash an expression with its dependencies and store its value, reloading it from a file as long as both the expression and its dependencies stay the same.


The functions in this package take an expression, walk its code to find its dependencies and calculate a hash of them. If a corresponding file already exists, it is loaded; otherwise, the expression is evaluated and its value is saved in the file. Optionally, this check may be performed every time a variable is accessed.

By default, a subdirectory of the current directory is used to store the cache files.

Index of help topics:

cache                   Evaluate an expression and cache its results
depcache-package        Cache R Expressions, Taking Their Dependencies
                        into Account
depcache.options        Caching options
setCached               Cache-tracking assignment


Ivan Krylov


As an implementation detail, the package currently uses the 64-bit FNV-1a hash:

The reproducible package uses a similar approach to caching.

See Also

cache, %<-%


a <- 1
  # will evaluate expression
  cache({ message('evaluating expression'); a + 1 }) # 2
  # will reuse cached value
  x %<-% { message('evaluating expression'); a + 1 } # 2
  a <- 2
  # will recalculate the value
  x # 3

Evaluate an expression and cache its results


This function extracts all dependencies of an R expression, hashes them together with the expression itself and either loads the already-existing file, or evaluates the expression and stores the result in that file.


cache(expr, extra = NULL, ...)



An expression to evaluate or load from cache, unquoted.


Any R value that should be considered part of the state deciding whether the expression should be re-computed. For example, if expr reads a file, consider using file.mtime or md5sum to check for changes in it.


Additional options, see depcache.options.


Currently, the hash is obtained by means of serialisation. In order to make semantically same values have same hashes on a wide range of R versions, the following steps are taken:

  • When computing the hash of the serialized data (only the XDR format version 2 or 3 is supported), the first 14 bytes containing the header (including the version of R that serialized the data) are ignored.

  • Every function is “rebuilt” from its body before hashing, forcing R to discard the bytecode and the source references from the copy of the function before it's hashed.

  • Strings are converted to UTF-8 before hashing.

  • All this is done recursively.

The exact algorithm used and the way hash is obtained are implementation details and may eventually change, though not without a good reason.

Other aspects of R data structures are currently not handled:

  • Nothing is done about environments. Due to them being reference objects, any fix-up must re-create them from scratch, taking potentially recursive dependencies into account, which is likely expensive.

  • Some S4 classes (like reference class implementations) just have different representations in different versions of R and third-party packages. They may mean the same thing, but they serialize to different byte sequences.


The result of evaluating expr, either directly, or loaded from cache.

See Also



a <- 1
  # will evaluate the expression the first time
  cache({ message('evaluating expression'); a + 1 }) # 2
  # saved value of the expression will be used
    message('evaluating expression')
    # even if written a bit differently
    a + 1
  }) # 2
  a <- -1
  # expression evaluated again because dependencies changed
  cache({ message('evaluating expression'); a + 1 }) # 0

Caching options


Control how the dependencies are gathered and hashed to locate the determine the file name to load the cached object from.


  defaults = getOption("depcache.version", '0.2'),
  skip = getOption("depcache.skip", NULL),
  dir, compress, local.only, format.version,
  eval.ellipsis, trace.functions



A string containing the version of depcache to get other defaults from. If not set, takes the value from the ⁠depcache.version⁠ option (see options), falling back to the current version of the package.

To make the caching more reproducible against package updates, call options(depcache.version = something) once at the top of your scripts.

Currently, versions ⁠0.1⁠ and ⁠0.2⁠ are accepted. When a new version of the package changes the defaults or adds new settings, the range of the accepted values will expand.


A character vector of variables to omit from automatically-gathered dependencies. Variables carrying unintended or unimportant state, which would otherwise interfere with obtaining a reproducible hash, should be listed here. This may be useful when a symbol encountered in the expression doesn't signify a variable in the evaluation frame (e.g. non-standard evaluation when plotting with lattice), or when the variable is being assigned to as part of the expression.

Defaults to the ⁠depcache.skip⁠ option, or NULL if unset.


The directory to store the cache files inside.


Passed as the compress option to saveRDS when saving the cached objects.


If TRUE, only variables available in the same environment where the caching function has been called from are considered as dependencies; parent environments are ignored. Typically, this means taking local variables as parts of the hash that determines the file name, but not loaded packages or attached datasets. Setting this to FALSE may invalidate the cache next time a package or R itself is updated.


Passed as the version argument to saveRDS and also used when serialising any objects to hash them. Only versions ⁠2⁠ and ⁠3⁠ are supported.


Whether to consider ... in the cached expressions to be a part of the state. If TRUE, all the arguments are evaluated during hashing. If FALSE, the arguments are completely skipped.


Whether to visit the function definitions inside the expressions being considered for caching. If TRUE, the bodies of the functions being defined inside the expression are searched for variable names; any variables matching those in the calling environment are considered dependencies. If FALSE, the analysis ignores the whole function definition.


In all cases, explicitly passed arguments override settings from the options(), which override the defaults. Depending on the defaults argument or the ⁠depcache.version⁠ option, the defaults may change; setting it explicitly will help your scripts stay forward-compatible.

Here you can find all the versioned parameters with their defaults:

Parameter Option name ⁠0.1⁠ ⁠0.2⁠
dir depcache.dir .depcache
compress depcache.compress TRUE
local.only depcache.local.only TRUE
format.version depcache.format.version ⁠2⁠
eval.ellipsis depcache.eval.ellipsis FALSE TRUE
trace.functions depcache.trace.functions TRUE FALSE

This function shouldn't be normally called by the user (except, perhaps, to verify the parameters about to be passed to the caching functions), but it is automatically invoked on every call to cache, setCached, or the use of cache-tracking assignment operators %<-% and %->%. Any additional options passed to the functions as ... are handled here, and so are the global options.


A list containing the settings to be used by the caching system.


The directory used for storage of the cache files.


Passed to saveRDS.


Variables to skip when hashing the dependencies of the expressions.


Whether to ignore non-local dependencies.


Passed to saveRDS as the version argument. Also determines the format version when serialising the variables to hash them.

See Also

cache, setCached


# The output is affected by the user's use of options(...) and the
  # current version of the package
  options(depcache.local.only = FALSE)
  print(depcache.options(format.version = 3))
  options(depcache.local.only = TRUE)

  # "skip" makes it possible to avoid mistaking arguments evaluated in a
  # non-standard way for local variables
  speed <- 1
  options(depcache.skip = 'speed')
  x %<-% { message('fitting the model'); lm(dist ~ speed, cars) }
  speed <- 0
  # not fitted again despite change in local variable "speed"

Cache-tracking assignment


Cache expression values and automatically recalculate them when their dependencies change


symbol %<-% expr
  expr %->% symbol
  setCached(symbol, expr, extra = NULL, ...)



A variable name to associate with the expression, unquoted.


The expression to cache, taking dependencies into account.


An unquoted expression to be considered an extra part of the state, in addition to the automatically determined dependencies. Will be evaluated every time the variable is accessed to determine whether it should be recalculated.


Additional settings, see depcache.options.


Sets up the variable symbol to automatically recalculate the value of expr any time its dependencies change, using makeActiveBinding and the same mechanisms that power cache.

Initially, expr is loaded from cache or evaluated, and the hash is remembered. When the variable named by symbol is accessed, its dependencies are hashed together with expr (this may be done recursively if the dependencies are themselves active bindings set up the same way). If the hash changes, the value of expr is again loaded from cache (if available) or evaluated anew.

To prevent infinite loops during dependency calculation, symbol is automatically skipped, but a self-dependent expr is probably a bad idea anyway.


Returns the value of expr, invisibly. Called for the side effect of creating an active binding with a name specified by symbol.

See Also

cache, makeActiveBinding


a <- 1
  # will evaluate the expression first
  x %<-% { message('evaluating expression'); a + 1 }
  x # 2
  # will reuse cached value
    message('evaluating expression')
    a + 1
    # even if written a bit differently
  } %->% y
  y # 2
  a <- -1
  # will evaluate the expression again
  x # 0
  # will load the new cached value
  y # 0
  (setCached(z, x + y)) # 0
  a <- 0
  # recalculates two out of three
  z # 2